Exercise library - Chest
Cirencester Personal Trainer.
Exercise library - Chest.
Push-up – Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width and your feet close together on the ground with your body in a straight line from heels to head. With arms at a 45-degree angle, the hands positioned directly under the elbows, the glutes and abs contracted, and the entire body tight, lower yourself until your chest approaches or touches the ground. Reverse the movement and raise your body until elbows lock out. https://youtu.be/ukHDKEVwSp8
Box push-up - The box push-up is a good variation for beginner because it uses about 20 percent less body weight than a regular push-up, thereby making the exercise easier. Keep the arms tucked and the body straight as you perform the push-up from the knees. https://youtu.be/4qGOiko_WcY
Wide-width push-up - The wide-width push-up targets the pectoral muscles differently than the regular push-up. To perform this movement, place the hands higher and wider on the floor compared to the standard version. https://youtu.be/rr6eFNNDQdU?t=65
Push-up with T lift - https://youtu.be/x1KUkgeli_k
Elevated push-up - Place your feet on top of a sofa, chair, or box and your hands on top of two chairs positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. You also could use objects such as a weight bench and tow sturdy boxes. Keeping the body in a straight line and glutes tight, descend until you feel a stretch in your pecs. Reverse the movement and push your body up until your elbows lock out. https://youtu.be/5g8pZvnX7MU?t=45
Box elevated push-up - Exercisers who wish to take advantage of the extra range of motion provided in the elevated push-ups but aren't quite strong enough to perform them can use the box elevated push-up, which is performed with the knees, not the feet, on a sofa or chair. https://youtu.be/5g8pZvnX7MU?t=45
Torso-elevated push-up - Place your hands on top of a sturdy chair or table slightly wider than shoulder width and your feet close together on the ground. Keeping your glutes contracted and your body in a straight line, lower yourself until your chest approaches or touches the chair or table. Reverse the movement and raise your body until your elbows lock out. https://youtu.be/juvyPL3swiw
Feet-elevated push-up - The feet-elevated push-up is an advanced pectoral exercise that uses a greater percentage of body weight and changes the angle to make the movement more like an incline press, thereby activating more upper-pectoral musculature. Although you need to go deep for maximal effectiveness, try not to look up too much at the bottom of the movement so you font hyperextend the neck. To perform this exercise simply place your feet up onto an object and perform the push-up as explained previously. https://youtu.be/x4keqP-J1Z4
Side-to-side push-up - Begin in a standard push-up position, feet close together with toes on the floor, hands under shoulders. As you descend into the push-up, lean to one side, placing more stress on the side that you're leaning toward. Push up to lockout and alternate on the other side.https://youtu.be/Ro1YZsjJqNE?t=20
Sliding side-to-side push-up - You can use paper plates on carpet to perform the sliding side-to-side push-up. (Also you could use commercially available sliding exercise discs or, on a slick floor, small hand towels.) This is a highly challenging shoulder and core movement. Alternate hands, performing a push-up with one arm while sliding the other hand up in front of the body. Control the core and prevent excessive shifting and twisting. https://youtu.be/Ro1YZsjJqNE?t=20
One-arm push-up - Take a wider-than-normal stance. Place one arm under your body and grab your upper outer leg with the nonworking arm. Lower your body while keeping the grounded arm tucked in close to the torso, keeping the body straight, the core tight, and the hips square. Lift yourself to lockout while preventing excessive lateral and twisting motions. https://youtu.be/edoINNsVu8Q?t=220
Self-assisted one-arm push-up - You can perform self-assisted one-arm push-ups by placing one hand on top of a sturdy chair, weight bench, or stair and relying on the other arm, hand on the ground, as much as possible to execute the push-up. The hand on the chair or bench provides the minimum amount of resistance to help achieve the repetition. This is an effective movement and serves as a valuable intermediate exercise between two-arm push-ups and one-arm push-ups. https://youtu.be/edoINNsVu8Q?t=170
Clapping push-up - Begin in standard push-up position with feet close together and arms slightly wider than shoulder width. Lower the body and then propel the body upward as forcefully as possible, keeping the feet on the ground. Once airborne, clap the hands together and then catch the body in standard push-up position. https://youtu.be/whKcbVPc3mU
Box clapping push-up - People who struggle with clapping push-ups will find the box clapping push-up easier. The variation shortens the lever and makes the movement easier since you perform this movement from the knees instead of the feet. But don't write this variation off as less effective than the standard clapping push-up. It uses less body weight, which means you can push your body higher. Some people are powerful enough to push their body back up to a tall kneeling position. https://youtu.be/whKcbVPc3mU
Whole-body clapping push-up - The whole-body clapping push-up is the most advanced variation of the mix because it requires incredible upper-body explosiveness and core strength. The goal is to spring the body upward with enough power to propel the entire body off the ground. Aim for maximum height and maintain the quality throughout the set. Land properly by having the feet touch the ground first and then absorbing the impact through eccentric contraction of the upper-body pressing muscles. https://youtu.be/whKcbVPc3mU
Chest dip - Begin with the hands placed on the back of two chair or tables and the knees bent so the feet are off the ground. Instead of chairs or tables, use parallel bars or chest dip bars, if available. Keeping the forearms relatively vertical, lower the body until you feel a big stretch in the pecs. Slightly lean forward. Reverse the movement until the arms are locked out. https://youtu.be/dX_nSOOJIsE?t=25
Sliding fly - Begin in standard push-up position with both hands on paper plates, flared out slightly. Instead of paper plates, you also could use commercially available sliding exercise discs or, on slick floor, small hand towels. Lower the body while sliding the arms out away from the body until the chest approaches or touches the floor. Push the body up to staring position. https://youtu.be/of5LbG_Vlm8?t=50
Box sliding fly - Another way to learn this movement is to shorten the lever and perform this movement from the knees instead of the feet. This will allow you to work your way up to performing standard repetitions and will allow you t use good form from the get-go. https://youtu.be/of5LbG_Vlm8?t=50
Crucifix - The crucifix is a static hold. Position yourself lying face down on the floor with your legs together and arms reaching out as wide as you can. Next, engage your core and using your hands/fingers, suspend your body off the floor by a few inches and hold. Continue to breathe as naturally as possible and hold for the prescribed amount of time. https://youtu.be/jV_u23Z7bcE
Scorpion push-up - https://youtu.be/-krmUHSMB9k
Spiderman push-ups - https://youtu.be/ymLPW1XliUw
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Apex Athletic - Unit 7
Esland Place - Love Lane
Cirencester - GL7 1YG