Exercise library - Arms
Exercise library - Arms.
Triceps extension – Place your hands on the corner of a table or seat of a chair and back into proper position. Keeping your body in a straight line with straight legs, straight arms, weight on the toes, and the abdominals and glutes braced, lower your body by bending the elbows. Raise the body by using the triceps to extend the elbows. https://youtu.be/bHTZESCqtHs
Short-lever triceps extension – People who find the above movement challenging may shorten the lever by performing the movement from the knees, thereby reducing the total percentage of body weight being lifted. Use a sturdy chair or coffee table for this exercise; a standard table is too high. https://youtu.be/bHTZESCqtHs
Short-lever inverted curl - Lying on your back, set up under a sturdy table or tall chair with your hands grasping the outer edges, palms facing each other. With your torso and legs in a straight line, neck in neutral position, knees bent at 90 degrees, weight on the heels, and the abdominals and glutes braced, raise your body by bending the elbows. (When the neck is in a neutral position, the head and neck remain in their neutral positions and are not tilted up or back.) Lower to starting position under control, moving mostly at the elbows and not the shoulders. https://youtu.be/Jopqr0OZNAg
Long-lever inverted curl - People who find the above exercise to be easy may lengthen the lever by performing the movement with straight legs that are elevated on to another chair or bench, thereby increasing the total percentage of body weight being lifted. https://youtu.be/JOzdwkeGC-A?t=15
Biceps chin-up - Begin in a full-stretch position, hanging from a secure refer or chin-up bar with straight arms and a supinated grip, palms facing you. The toes will be off the ground and the knees can be bent if that's more comfortable. Pull the body over the rafter or chin-up bar to sternum height while keeping the core stable. Lower the body under control making sure you come all the way down. https://youtu.be/IbuEsDYpR_Q
Narrow triceps push-up - Lie face down with the hands positioned shoulder-width apart and the elbows tucked into the body. With the feet together and the core stable, press the body up. Lower the body until the chest approaches or touches the floor. https://youtu.be/3vQU11Ako3A
Diamond triceps push-up - The diamond triceps push-up is a bit more challenging than the narrow triceps push-up because it relies more heavily on the triceps. This variation is performed with the hands touching each other and forming a diamond shape with the thumbs and index fingers. https://youtu.be/jttnODm3i14
Short-lever triceps push-up - People who struggle with regular narrow triceps push-ups may shorten the lever by performing the movement from the knees. This reduces the total percentage of body weight being hoisted and allows for stricter for to be used. https://youtu.be/0cHsfJOr4WU
Three-point bench dip - Set up three chairs so that your feet are resting on one and your body is centred between the other two. (If you have access to weight benches, you can perform this exercise using two weight benches. Set the benches parallel to each other. Place your palms on one bench and your heels on the other so you body is perpendicular to the benches.) With your palms on the end of the two chairs, fingers forward, and your torso upright and legs in a straight line, lower the body under control until you receive an adequate stretch. Don't go too low; this could be dangerous. Upper arms parallel to the floor is deep enough. Push your body up back to starting position. https://youtu.be/JVhG3GkF71o
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Apex Athletic - Unit 7
Esland Place - Love Lane
Cirencester - GL7 1YG