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Stretch Success | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Stretch Success When you think of developing a strong, muscular physique what type of exercises do you think of doing? To improve and...
Stress Reduction / Control | Cirencester Personal Trainer
*** Stress Reduction / Control *** This year the mental health institute reported 50% increase in stress/anxiety/depression throughout...
Rest/Recovery | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Rest/Recovery Within our current society rest/recovery is at an all time low, we are on the go from morning to night not allowing for any...
5am Club | Sleep | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Why should you join the 5am club? Most of us only ever see one five o'clock and that is in the evening, most are asleep blissfully...
Banish Bingo Wings | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Hi guys, So over the last few weeks I have been looking into and studying weights training for women, this is a topic which comes up in...
One Pan Meal Prep | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
One Pan Meal Prep INGREDIENTS ½ sweet potato ½ pound (250 grams) Brussels sprouts 1 carrot ½ head of broccoli 1½ pound (750 grams)...
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly . Monounsaturated Fats . Polyunsaturated Fats . Saturated Fats . Trans Fats Are all fats equal? Trans fats...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 5 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Our last post in the five day banish the Christmas bulge series. Day 5 - Sleep How many hours a night are you sleeping? Is your bedroom...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 4 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Day 4 - Relax How much time within the day do you take to actually relax, I mean really relax? No telephone, no computer, just taking...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 3 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Day 3 - Utilise your 'Fitness' Too many people keep all of the fitness training within a gym environment, it is my belief that we should...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 2 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Day 2 - Take a 'GOOD' one-a-day multivitamin and mineral With our western diet, pollution and the use of multiple pesticides we no...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 1 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Through out the next five days I will be posting daily tips/challenges to help you start the NewYear and NewYou in the most healthy...
Vitamin D | Cirencester Personal Trainer
--- See The Light --- "Even on a grey day, catching some rays in the outdoors will lift your spirits" With it winter well and truly on us...
Healthy Xmas | Nutrition | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Top 5 Tips to help you stay healthy over Christmas - Cirencester Personal Trainer 1. Exercise, try and keep up your current exercise...
Healthy Christmas | Nutrition | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
For all of us holidays, especially around Christmas is the season where we meet our family, friends and enjoy the time together. It is...
Staying Healthy Over Christmas | Nutrition | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Top 5 Tips to help you stay healthy over Christmas With December just around the corner here are our 5 top tips for staying healthy over...
Eat The Rainbow | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Eat The Rainbow Theres no better antidote to a bleak cold day than taking the time to prepare a delicious plate of brightly coloured...
Stretch Success | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Stretch Success When you think of developing a strong, muscular physique what type of exercises do you think of doing? To improve and...
The UN-FITness Industry | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
The UN-FITness Industry Definition of fitness in 100 words: Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no...
Women And Weights | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Calling All Women Too many women are afraid that lifting weights will simply turn them into a female version of ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger’,...
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