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056 A strong core
Within the fitness industry we talk allot about core stability, but what exactly is the core and why is it so important when training....
055 Refer a friend
At Apex Athletic we believe in rewarding loyalty, not always just granting the deals to new customers, that is why we always offer a...
054 Calories in, calories out?
Calories in, calories out, does it work? In short, NO. We are all now accustomed to the idea that weight loss is primarily achieved by...
053 The UN-FITness Industry
The UN-FITness Industry Definition of fitness in 100 words: Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no...
052 Yearly PAR-Q And Terms Of Service
Yearly PAR-Q And Terms Of Service. For most people taking part in a fitness programme of physical activity is perfectly safe. However,...
051 Five Tips For A Healthy Christmas
Top 5 Tips to help you stay healthy over Christmas 1. Exercise, try and keep up your current exercise routine, I know its hard at this...
050 Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas. To all of my past, present and future clients I wish you happy Christmas. Refer a friend - Introduce a friend to Apex...
049 Technique Vs Intensity
Technique Vs Intensity. Within training and working with a client there is always a natural intensity ceiling point, this is the moment...
048 The KISS Diet
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Firstly what does KISS stand for, Keep It Simple Stupid, and secondly lets look at what all major diets...
047 Take you training outdoors
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Get outside, even when the cold draws in. Living in ‘Cirencester’, the heart of the ‘Cotswolds’, we are...
046 5K Pace Guide
Cirencester Personal Trainer. When performing intervals or working a speed session it is always useful to understand pacing, more...
045 Habitual weight loss
Cirencester Personal Trainer. The 3 keys to habitual weight loss. As it has been shown diets and having an understanding of healthy...
044 How to calculate your macronutrients
Cirencester Personal Trainer. How to calculate your macronutrients. Now we need to workout the macronutrient breakdown of our new calorie...
043 How to calculate your fat loss calories
Cirencester Personal Trainer. How to calculate your fat loss calories. When trying to drop body fat you need to make sure you have a...
042 What is Supple Strength?
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Supple Strength blends elements of Yoga, Pilates and body conditioning to build a challenging holistic...
041 Core training for a road cyclist
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Core training for a road cyclist. When we talk about the core most think appearance, a muscular...
040 Three steps to long-term weight loss
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Calories in, calories out, does it work? In short, NO. We are all now accustomed to the idea that weight...
039 Lockdown Zoom Personal Training
Cirencester Personal Trainer Zoom Personal Training. Improvise, adapt and overcome. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic at times it has been...
038 Halloween S-lime Avocado Cheesecake
Cirencester Personal Trainer S-lime Avocado Cheesecake Ingredients: 100g coconut oil 200g pitted Medjool dates 125g unblanched almonds...
037 Group Personal Training
Cirencester Personal Trainer Small Group Training 1:2 Have you ever thought about seeking the help from a fitness coach but lacked the...
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