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Exercise library - Chest
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Exercise library - Chest. Push-up – Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width and your feet close...
Exercise library - Neck and shoulders
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Exercise library - Neck and shoulders. Wall anterior neck isohold - Place a folded towel on the forehead....
Exercise library - Arms
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Exercise library - Arms. Triceps extension – Place your hands on the corner of a table or seat of a chair...
Home bodyweight training.
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Online home bodyweight programme. In reply to the recent government advice and in an attempt to aid in...
011.2 What is a superset?
Cirencester Personal Trainer. What is a superset? When viewing a programme or session plan you may sometimes come across exercises...
011.1 Happy Mother's Day.
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Happy Mother’s Day. To all of my past, present and future mum clients I wish you a very happy mothers day....
011 Minimum exercise recommendation
Cirencester Personal Trainer. I don’t have enough time to exercise, this is something we as personal trainers hear on a regular basis and...
010.7 When to apply progressive overload.
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Progressive overload – when to increase reps, weight or complexity. Now we know exactly what progressive...
010.6 Progressive overload
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Progressive overload. As we know when training progressive overload is needed to allow for continued gains...
010.5 Running injuries and prevention
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Running injuries and prevention. No one wants an injury, but running as a sport can sometimes cause...
010.4 Runner's home workout.
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Home workout for runner’s. With COVID-19 not leaving us anytime soon and the isolation situation on the...
010.3 Runner's workout exercise description.
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Runner’s workout exercise description. Lying glute bridge – Lie on your back with the knees bent at 90...
010.2 Lower body mobility drill.
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Lower body MOB 3. A simple yet effective way to mobilise the lower limbs, working your way up from the...
010.1 Nasal breathing may just save your life
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Benefits of nasal breathing. Shutting your mouth may just save your life. While you can breath through your...
010 Refer a friend
Cirencester Personal Trainer. At Apex we believe in rewarding loyalty, not always just granting the deals to new customers, that is why...
009.2 Fitness industry jargon
Cirencester Personal Trainer. Anatomical terms and fitness jargon. Within the fitness industry we use allot of anatomical jargon to...
009.1 International Women's Day
Cirencester Personal Trainer. To all of my female clients past, present and future, I hope you have a fantastic ‘International Women’s...
009 How to calculate your macronutrients
Cirencester Personal Trainer. How to calculate your macronutrients. Now we need to workout the macronutrient breakdown of our new calorie...
008.3 World book day
Cirencester Personal Trainer. As it's world book day I thought it only right to recommend some of my favourite all time books, you will...
008.2 Boost your immune system
Cirencester Personal Trainer. With the coronavirus (COVID-19) not going away anytime soon its time to boost your immune system! Below are...
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